Passion and know-how are at the base of the modern ‘project’ of the sports horse. Passion and know-how are imperative in each single phase of the growth of the horse as an athlete: breeding, training, horses and foals’ management, all the way to the start of their competition career. Passion and know-how are essential in an environment that shouldn’t allow improvisation; it is essential to optimize every single aspect in order to achieve the best results. Day after day. Passion and know-how are present within the Italian breeders, as well as in the young horse trainers, and to all those who invest in their growth and potential. Passion and know-how are fundamental in today’s globalized reality that has inevitably engulfed the world of horse breeders and all the equestrian sports. Nowadays, with a single click, we are able to know everything (or almost everything….) of every single horse, stallion or broodmare. But passion and know-how are the pilasters of the Breeding Yearbook which reaches its 33th edition, and we must admit, it has had a very important role in the Italian breeding program. This is thanks to the stallion owners and all the breeders, those passionate about horses, all the farms as well as all those that keep believing in a printed publication to consult and browse throughout the year. In between searching the web. In the 2024 Breeders Yearbook you can find the 2023 rankings, as well as various articles written by our collaborators on the always important themes such as the management of broodmares and foals, mental and physical preparation of the foals, young horses training and the main Italian and European legislation for their identification and registration of the foals at birth. Ultimately, we would like to remember all the friends that passed away in this last year. People we all had the pleasure and the honor to meet. Our thoughts go to Francesca Simmons, known as ‘Sax’, who for years has been collaborating with us. She had an immense passion, culture, professionality and experience…. But most of all Francesca was a great friend. Gaetano Manti, man of great culture and one of the greatest editors of the equestrian sector. Manti published his first magazine as editor of Cavalli & Cavalieri in October 1992, and in the same year he created the first edition of this Breeders Yearbook. Stefania Searle, breeder who throughout her life has always put the love for horses and their wellbeing first. Competent and passionate, Mrs Searle has been a great example for many. Calm and gentle, Stefania loved interacting with everybody. La Favorita’s horses will continue to remind us of her rare kindness and elegance. Lucio Zotti, from Acheronte breeding farm. With his great passion and strive to perfection, Doctor Zotti has always highlighted the importance of a solid broodmare pedigree to cross with confirmed stallions in order to produce a successful progeny. Je Suis Godot d’Acheronte, Your Lord d’Acheronte, I’m Saying So d’Acheronte are only some of the horses that witness the high-quality level achieved by his work. * * * The breeders Yearbook is distributed in every newsagent of Italy. Furthermore, like every publication of Cavalli & Cavalieri, you can find it in most of the Italian Equestrian Centres. Inside you will be able to find the calendar for the first semester of 2024 for each riding centre.
L’Annuario dell’Allevamento è distribuito nelle edicole di tutta Italia. Inoltre, come i prossimi numeri di Cavalli & Cavalieri, lo potrete trovare nei centri ippici più importanti in Italia organizzatori di eventi. All’interno, troverete per ciascun centro ippico i calendari degli eventi del primo semestre 2024.