The activities of an equestrian centre require specialised administrative and fiscal management
Managing an equestrian center has nowadays become a real profession. In fact, while untile few years ago ‘DIY’ and improvised rules applied, nowadays administrational and fiscal management, whether managing an Amateurs’ Association or a Sports Riding School by its owner/manager must be rigorously supervised and all current rules and deadlines must be scrupulously respected.
It is for such reasons that now more than ever it is necessary to rely on professionals with expertise as far as this sector is concerned. All activities linked to horses, which in Italy are not among the most common, imply in-depth knowledge of laws that apply to this sector. The ideal solution is to consult expert professionals with great knowledge of the equestrian world and all activities linked to it.
Acquiring greater knowledge
In order to have clearer ideas regarding the duties and obligations that an equestrian centre must respect so as to comply with the law and understand the importance of accurate professional management, we have asked Andrea Rossi, an accountant and an expert on fiscal and company advice and a founding partner of the Studio Foresta Rossi Pezzini and Associates, a few questions. Why did we ask him? Because Andrea Rossi is also a horseman and has great knowledge of the equestrian environment. He is of Lombard origin and started to ride when very young and continued for years competing in national and international shows. So thanks to his passion for horses and his knowledge of the equestrian world, he has specialised in the management of equestrian centres, and more in general in all activities linked to the world of horses and their many different aspects.
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